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The 7 Common Mistakes People Make When Manifesting

Writer's picture: Wendy RooneyWendy Rooney

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

Hi, I’m Wendy from Wyrd Raven Tarot and I want to tell you about the seven common mistakes that people make when they first start manifesting or even when they’ve been manifesting for years. These seven mistakes explain why the manifesting is not working so you’re going to save yourself a lot of heartache and a lot of time.

Before we go over these seven mistakes let me remind you what manifesting is.

If you’re brand new to manifesting here is my definition based on research and science. Manifesting is preparing your mind, body, and spirit to help you get what you want.

Basically what you are doing is you are using manifesting to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of you doing the work to get what you want. Manifesting done right removes the self-doubt, it removes the fear, it removes the excuses, and the stories that would normally stop you. Because when you do manifesting properly you literally make your mind, body, and spirit believe that it’s a foregone conclusion and that makes you motivated and inspired to take the actions that will get you what you want.

Now that you are grounded in the real definition of manifesting let’s flag the seven major mistakes that people make so you can avoid them.

Mistake Number One:

When it comes to manifesting you’re not doing it daily. The lack of consistency is what’s killing your ability to use manifesting to achieve your goals and dreams. So what do I mean by that? Well manifesting is a skill. I want you to think of manifesting as a muscle. It’s a muscle that you build through consistency and if you think about it about it as a skill or a muscle or a new habit and incorporate it into your day-to-day life it’s just like anything else, a one-off change does not make a long-term change.

If you want to get healthier, eating one salad is not going to make you healthier, exercising once is not going to make you healthier, manifesting once is not going to actually help you get what you want. You must incorporate manifesting into your day-to-day life. The more consistently you do it the more manifesting becomes a habit. It becomes a way of thinking, it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything.

What’s the easiest way to manifest consistently and make it a part of your day-to-day life? I’m glad you asked.

The best way to do it is to make it part of your morning routine every single morning right after you get up, make your bed and throw on your exercise clothes, set an intention and write down the three to five things that you want. The reason why you write down the things that you desire and dream about is to aim your mind at the things that you want in your life. Then what I do is I use manifesting properly to see myself taking the actions to get one of the things, to feel myself taking the actions to get one of the things, and close my eyes while doing this because manifesting is a habit in my life.

I close my eyes to really feel myself taking the actions and when you manifest over and over again your mind will visualize and feel yourself taking those actions and begins to believe that it’s happening and that will make you confident, and optimistic and it will inspire you to take action. It will remove obstacles and make it easier for you to do the work now. That’s how you do it that’s how I’ve made it part of my day-to-day life. I write down three to five things. I then manifest on at least one of those things and then there is the most important part, I then take an action that’s inspired by the manifesting.

Let’s move on to mistake Number Two:

This is a major mistake that people make and that is you try manifesting based on what you don’t want. Now this is subtle but it’s really important that you avoid this mistake. This is the kind of mistake you make when you’re really frustrated and you start thinking, I just don’t want to be alone anymore, I just don't want to date losers anymore, I just don’t want life to be so hard anymore, I just don’t want to be single anymore, I just don't want to be poor anymore, I just don’t want to have anxiety and feel so bad anymore.

Do you see how framing all your dreams and goals around what you don’t want might be a problem? When I say I don’t want to feel anxious anymore how am I going to visualize not being anxious, that is why this is a major mistake.

You always want to frame what you want and what you’re going to say to help you take the actions to get it. You always want to frame it in the positive, frame it around the things that you want so that in the case of anxiety don’t talk about not feeling anxious - frame what you want - "I can’t wait to have a calm quiet confident state of mind", that feels different doesn’t it. I can’t wait to be in a loving supportive caring mutual positive relationship with an adult, somebody that acts like an adult and treats me the way I deserve to be treated -feels very different than I just don’t want to date losers anymore.

You always want to frame the things that you’re trying to manifest and the actions that you need to take as leading you toward something rather than away from something. That way we stop thinking and aligning energy around the negative crap that’s not working and we align your mind body and spirit around what it feels like to have the positive things that you want, that’s going to make it easier for you to take the actions that will make them happen.

Mistake Number Three:

This is a super easy mistake to make, you get really impatient. You start off strong. This is true with all changes you start and you commit to manifest every morning and you do it for three or four days and then boom you don’t do it for five or six weeks, you start throwing your hands up and start thinking it’s never going to happen so you’re not only not consistent but you start to get impatient and because you’re impatient you’re not consistent.

I need you to understand something for manifesting to work properly and based on research there is no timeline involved. Did you hear me? For manifesting to work properly based on the research there is no timeline involved. You must give up the when and you must focus on seeing and feeling yourself taking the steps that make the thing that you want to happen happen because manifesting is not magically going to make something appear.

Manifesting is preparing your mind, body and spirit to do the work to make something happen. It’s aligning your thoughts, your actions, and how you feel in your body with the thing that you want and the reason why manifesting is important is that when you prepare yourself to do the work and to start to see and feel it you will believe that it’s a foregone conclusion. You will believe that at some point it will happen and you will believe that you can make it happen and that belief is why you feel inspired and encouraged to take the actions you need when you suspend the timeline and you get rid of deadlines.

So if you feel impatient you’re doing it wrong because you are not supposed to attach a timeline to it you’re supposed to wake up every morning and write down three to five things that you want and let yourself see and feel yourself doing the work and that will inspire you to take the actions that lead you there and if you do that every day trust me you won’t even be thinking about the timeline because you know in your heart and soul eventually this is going to turn out.

No Mistake number 4:

This is probably the biggest mistake everyone makes and if you’ve been manifesting for a long time and nothing’s turning out this is probably the mistake that you’re making. If you are brand new to manifesting this is the mistake everybody that’s new makes unless somebody tells them not to do this.

The biggest mistake with manifesting is that you’re only looking at the end goal. That’s the biggest mistake everybody makes. You know we have all been sold this bill of goods that if you think good things somehow it’s going to happen but that is just the first part. You’ve actually got to take the actions that are inspired by the thinking. The second thing that people do in terms of being sold a bill of goods is that you have been led to believe that if you create a vision board and you plaster up on the vision board images of beach houses and Lamborghinis and millions of dollars in the bank and the world’s skinniest body and all the things that you would love to have magically appear in your life, that simply creating the vision is enough. The reason why that’s a mistake is that research shows that simply envisioning the end goal without actually imagining all the steps that lead you there and without training your body to feel what it’s going to feel like to do the hard work, simply imagining the end goal isn’t motivating at all.

It’s pretty inspiring for about a day. But then what happens is that you start to start at the beach house and the million dollars in the bank and you will feel discouraged because you’ll realize, wow from where I sit there’s an impossible gap between my studio apartment or living in my parent's basement and the beach house that I want. There’s an impossible gap between the fact that my divorce basically left me bankrupt and now I’m staring at a vision board with a million dollars in the bank, or wow I’ve got 150 pounds to lose and I’m gonna stare at my photo from when I was my best weight as a high school athlete.

Staring at the end goal is not only a mistake it’s profoundly discouraging. It’s the reason why so many people fail to reach their goals because they only set their goals and they never do the part that is the most important and that’s where manifesting comes in.

Manifesting helps you do the work. Manifesting done properly is preparing you for all the things in between where you are and where you want to get to.

Here’s an example, let’s say on your vision board you want to launch your own business. Right now you work for somebody else, can’t stand what you do, and have panic attacks when you wake up because you know that you’re headed in the wrong direction. You’ve always dreamt of opening a bakery and so you slap up a vison board and you’ve got this big visual up on your wall that you stare at every morning of this beautiful bakery that you’ve always dreamt of starting, Here’s the problem - you have no money, you have no savings, you’ve never started a business before, how the hell are you going to get this done? Staring at the vision board gives you panic attacks.

Here’s how manifesting is going to help. Instead of staring at the photos of the bakery, you see, feel, and eventually start to believe that you can do the work to make it a reality. So what you’re going to manifest is all the steps from point a which is starting at zero all the way to point z which is opening the doors. You’re going to see yourself by closing your eyes, this helps because manifesting is a habit, manifesting happens in your mind and in your heart, and your body. Instead of going out tonight with your friends, see yourself staying in and watching videos on YouTube of other people that have opened bakeries. See yourself going to the library and getting a book that tells the story of somebody who did it, see yourself taking webinars and tutorials about how to raise the money, see yourself taking a class baking, see yourself staying in next weekend and working on this, see yourself getting a part time job in a bakery learning behind the scenes because you’ve always dreamt of doing this but you’ve never worked in one, and envision a time as you feel yourself being tired as you feel the late nights, as you feel yourself doing the work with no timeline. You’ll start to believe that you’re going to do it and that will keep you inspired to take those little actions. That way when you come in after a long day and you’ve spent the day watching a webinar or watching a YouTube video or you and a conversation with somebody that gave you some advice, when you go into your room and you see that beautiful vision board you know what’s going to happen. Your mind and body and spirit will literally start to buzz because what you’ve been rehearsing in your mind body and spirit through visualization.

Simply envisioning the end game is a one-way ticket to being discouraged unmotivated and stuck. You start to do manifesting properly you start to visualize every single step of the way and you will be training for it and doing the work to make it happen and that is motivating.

Mistake Number Five:

Thinking you have to have all the answers will get you really stuck. For example, you really want to manifest into your life an incredible relationship but you don’t even know where to begin because your dating history looks like a train wreck. Here’s the simple solution - just become a student. Become a student of whatever it is that you want, what does a student do? A student learns, a student studies, a student researches. Researching, studying, and learning about what you want is a simple way to find all of the things that you can start manifesting. Seriously anything that a student would be doing, taking a class, researching, talking about a subject, interviewing people about a subject, watching videos about a subject all of these things that a student does, are things that I want you to visualize.

It's a simple hack to figuring out the path between where you are and where you want to go. Another thing that a student does is a student studies people who have already done it and then you reverse engineer the path and you see yourself doing the things that somebody else did to get what you want. Now here’s what’s super cool, remember manifesting based on science means training your mind body, and spirit to do the work that gets you what you want. Your path will not be the same as somebody else and that’s okay. You can still see yourself walking down somebody else’s path, you can still feel what it feels like to do that hard work. Manifesting works because it's going to remove the obstacles that you create, your excuses, your self-doubt, and all of the stories you tell yourself, your fear, your imposter syndrome. You’re rehearsing the steps in your mind and remember your brain doesn’t know the difference between you actually taking the steps or you just visualizing yourself taking the steps. You are training your mind, body, and spirit to not resist taking those actions. That’s why this is going to work for you because you can certainly visualize all the steps you need to do to train yourself to do the work that will get you what you want.

Mistake Number 6:

This mistake will be obvious based on mistake number 4 and 5, you’re not taking any actions. Look you can’t just feel it in your body and you can’t just see it in your mind, the whole reason why you’re rehearsing this and training your body to do the steps so you can take the steps.

At some point you have to leave your brain and your body and you've got to take action in the world. You gotta let the manifesting, the training, and preparing that you’re doing by seeing it and feeling it and teaching you to believe that it's possible, and let that inspire you to take action.

Prompt yourself every day to take action and write down the five things that you want is going to start to get you to start giving yourself permission to have what you want in your life. Think like a student, what are some of the steps that you can take in order to move toward what you want. It’s going to get you thinking about the things to do so that you are taking action. Then it’s going to prompt you to properly manifest doing those things and then it's going to tell you to do it.

The Final Mistake is a really big one:

That mistake is you’re not celebrating the small wins. As you make manifesting a skill, as you get consistent about it, as you start to be a student, as you take inspired action, as you realize that you do feel like this is gonna happen and you don’t even have a timeline on it because you know its gonna happen. You’re not recognizing all the small wins that you have every day. When you manifest and then you take action that the manifesting has inspired that’s a win. When you see doors opening up because you’ve been moving toward what you want that's a win. When you randomly meet somebody that helps you get one step closer that’s a win, and you need to celebrate that stuff!

These are signs, these are not coincidences. These are the signs that you’re on the right path. A lot of people believe in angel signs, you know like seeing the number 11 or 22 or the number 9 or for me the number 7. Angel signs are cool because for me angel signs are a mile marker that give you a clue that you’re moving in the right direction. Your job is to declare what you want, your job is to use manifesting to train your mind, body and spirit and remove the obstacles that you would normally put in place. Your job is to take the actions that are inspired by manifesting and start moving toward what you want. You need to call out those mile markers when you see them.

Call out these things, not because the universe or magic is somehow just randomly happening - this is you being rewarded for manifesting properly, for believing in yourself, and for taking the inspired action that is going to make your dreams a reality. These little moments, these signs, these small wins that are happening every day as you make manifesting a consistent skill, align with what you want so that your mind, body, and spirit are working with you instead of against you.

Within you start to also call out the small wins - there I am manifesting - there this thing happened - there are my angel numbers - holy cow this just happened - you are now building momentum. You’re now energetically rewarding your body for aligning with what you want and it just makes all of that much stronger. It makes your belief stronger, it makes your courage stronger, your confidence stronger and that’s how all of the builds one on the other. And if you're not willing to call out the small wins you’re missing a huge amount of mojo and rocket fuel and magic that you can add into the mix, because all of these small wins are literally reasons for you to be more confident. Reasons for you to keep going, reasons for you to really know in your mind, body, and spirit - that yeah this is going to happen because you’re making it happen! Now that you know the seven mistakes to avoid you definitely want to check out and dig into the science of manifesting the right way.

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Welcome! I'm Wendy and Wyrd Raven Tarot is a passion project of mine. If you love tarot, or just want to be part of a positive vibes community you are in the right place!

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